Thanksgiving Recipe



Gather stuff from the woods, the city streets, and/or an art supply store. Get some stuff you like and some stuff you don’t like.


Take some of the stuff.
It could be 2 pieces of paper (or wood, or whatever).
Make some marks on one of the pieces.
Make some different kinds of marks on the other piece.
Tear them (cut them, saw them) up.
Put the pieces together to create one piece.
Bake for 24 hours.
Taste. Add spices as you like.
Look at it and move the pieces around some more.
Make it simpler.
Make it more complex.
Make it fly.
Make it scurry along the ground.
Make it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Put it aside to cool.
Then, put it in the oven again.
Make another one.
Be grateful.

Kieran Riley Abbott